YAYASAN TERENGGANU Stage1 - Online Application Website : https://yt.gov.my/en/penajaan/ Choose ONLY 2 of the scholarships offered ( You would not be able to change the type of scholarship you applied for after application so make sure you chose the one that you qualify for all requirements. E.g. : Financial status (B40) or academic qualifications Stage2 - Paper-Based Assessment Invitations will be sent through email. Students are required to be present physically at the test centre as stated in the invitation letter. Part 1 : IQ test Part 2 : Essay writing ( English ) Part 3 : Essay writing ( Arabic ) ( Only applicable for those applying for Qiraat and Islamic Banking Programme ) Stage3 - Interview Face-to-face group interview Make sure you have already set your mind on which course or university to attend. Do bring proper documents E.g. : SPM examination result or extracurricular certificates Wear proper clothing to give off...